RISC - Archaeological and CMT Inventory Training for Crew Members

Course Description

The RISC course in Archaeology and Culturally Modified Tree (CMT) Inventory for Crew Members is for resource professionals who are interested in archaeological and heritage resources. The course is intended to teach basic site identification, survey, and recording skills. Throughout the course, students will conduct simple inventories of archaeological resources, learn to recognize and avoid archaeologically sensitive areas during resource development, as well as navigate the Heritage Conservation Act, the provincial legislation that protects cultural heritage resources in BC.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants are registered with the province and receive a certificate signed by the Archaeology Branch as a Certified RISC Technician.


The course is intended to teach basic site identification, survey, and recording skills. By the end of the course participants should be able to:

  • Describe an archaeological inventory project
  • Understand requirements, protocols and safety issues associated with archaeological projects
  • Use survey equipment correctly and navigate in the field
  • Identify different site types, and describe cultural materials and features
  • Understand how to use archaeological survey methods
  • Take accurate and detailed field notes
  • Read maps and plot locations
  • Navigate to a site location
  • Record and map site features and materials


Class and Field: 5.0 days


As a requirement for certification, participants will need to meet or exceed the following program standards:

  • 100% attendance for the program
  • 70% score on written evaluations
  • 70% score on field evaluations

Upcoming Deliveries and Registration Information

See our program schedule for a list of all upcoming NREP course deliveries. If this course is not currently noted in the schedule, please contact NREP@viu.ca to enquire about future opportunities. Prior to registering for any NREP course, please review the program's registration guidelines, including important cancellation and refund policy information.