two students by tree in hard hats and vests

Academic Policies

These policies are based on feedback received by students and are in place to avoid any potential for confusion and to ensure that students following a proper code of conduct are not disadvantaged.

Academic Integrity

The Forestry Depart at VIU values academic integrity. This means that both students and instructors conduct themselves in an honest, responsible and respectful way. One of the key foundations is that the work of others is properly credited. In other words, unless otherwise stated, any work presented is the original work of the student or instructor. Failure to provide proper credit is one form of academic misconduct. In order for everyone to better understand the various forms of academic misconduct we have created a resource that clearly describes the various forms of academic misconduct and, more importantly, provides suggestions for avoiding such conduct.

Refer to Academic Misconduct for helpful advice!

Exam Policies

In order to minimize issues and disputes regarding exams, the following policies will be followed:

  • Calculators – the only calculator allowed in an exam will the model included in the forestry kit (no programmable calculators will be permitted)
  • Leaving the room – students may not leave the room once an exam has begun. Longer exams will be broken into 2 parts so that a student may leave the room after completing the first part
  • Complete Copy – it is the student’s responsibility to ensure their copy of the exam is complete
  • Electronics – no electronic devices of any sort (e.g. cell phone, MP3 players, etc.), unless approved by the Instructor, are allowed in an exam or quiz
  • Seating – students will be asked to arrange themselves in such a manner that no two students are sitting side-by-side
  • Extra materials – only those materials authorized by the exam invigilator will be allowed on the desktop

Missing Exams

In order to avoid receiving a zero on a missed exam, students need to supply a legitimate reason in advance (i.e. illness or personal situation of a serious nature). Students will normally not be permitted to write any exam before it has been given to the class. Only in documented (e.g. a doctor's note) special circumstances will students be permitted to write exams after the test has been given to the class.

Late Assignments

Grades for late assignments, without a legitimate reason, will be reduced by 10% per calendar day. Late assignments will automatically receive a zero grade if submitted after the graded assignments have been returned to the rest of the class.