Upon completion of First Year Earth Science a student should: | GEOL Courses Covered | |
Know | Distinguish between geologic data and interpretations | 111, 112, 115 |
Explain earth processes in the context of plate tectonics, earth’s systems and the rock cycle | 111, 112 | |
Explain geologic environments in which rocks and other geologic materials are formed | 111, 112, 115 | |
Determine the relative age of geologic materials by applying the stratigraphic principles | 112, 115 | |
Explain events in geologic history using geologic evidence, and in the context of the geologic timescale | 112 | |
Explain the fundamentals of major concepts in earth science, including: surface and groundwater (111), volcanic and earthquake hazards (111), glaciers (112), ice ages (112) and climate changes (112), mineral and hydrocarbon resources (111) | 111, 112 | |
Begin to use appropriate earth science terminology | 111, 112, 115 | |
Do | Test rock and mineral physical properties using geologists tools, including a copper needle, steel needle, streak plate, glass plate, hand lens, and a dissecting microscope | 111, 115 |
Identify at least 10 common types of minerals, and 10 common types of rocks, by recognizing their diagnostic physical properties | 111, 115 | |
Identify at least 3 types of geologic structures in the field | 112, 115 | |
Use a compass to measure strike and dip of planar geologic structures | 112, 115 | |
Safely use a rock hammer to take a sample | 115 | |
Read geologic information from a geologic map, and interpret the information to draw a geologic cross-section | (111), 112, 115 | |
Explain geologic concepts to instructor and peers, and listen to the explanations of others, during group work and/or group exams | 111, 112, 115 | |
Generate simple interpretations of observations with the local geological context | 115 | |
Observe geologic features in the field, then follow a template to write clear and tidy field notes | 115 | |
Create simple sketches to summarize geologic ideas or information | 112, 115 | |
Write a short geological report or essay that includes a clear sense of purpose, and presents ideas in a logical structure (i.e. introduction-development-conclusions, data separated from interpretations) | 112, 115 | |
Cite sources in their writing | 112 | |
Value | Appreciate the interconnectedness of the earth’s systems | 111, 112 |
Demonstrate a desire to learn more by asking good questions | 115 | |
Collaborate with peers on group projects, group exams, and activities, both in-class and in the field | 111, 112, 115 | |
Begin to develop time-management strategies | 111, 112, 115 |