Fish and Aqua student working in greenhouse

News and Events

Stay up to date with news and events in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department.

Student standing next to a stream

Student stories: Hooked on salmon

Second-year diploma student Tristan Dieleman, under Professor Duane Barker, participated in a chum and coho salmon counting assessment on the Chase River in south Nanaimo that yielded amazing results of record-breaking returns. 

“Tristen was a true leader. He helped train new students on all sampling procedures, was responsible for compiling all field data and served as liaison between his team and I,” says Duane. “This was a great training opportunity for Tristen to further develop skills in leadership, organization and communication and he excelled."

“As I’ve gone through the program and learned what I’ve learned, I’ve realized what I don’t know is even greater; you realize you don’t know 10 other things,” he explains. “One thing for certain is regardless of where I end up, I’m going to enjoy it. Because I’ve enjoyed the entirety of the program since I have been here. Every course has information relevant to what I enjoy in life and my passion. As long as there are fish, that is where I will be.”

Read more about it in the VIU blog

VIU Blog
Student Joe Clark smiling at camera

Student stories: Helping to protect cutthroat trout

Joe Clark, a Fisheries and Aquaculture student, is working with the Nanaimo & Area Land Trust (NALT) to monitor urban streams in Nanaimo for the presence of cutthroat trout. Read about Joe's work below.

“The Fisheries and Aquaculture diploma was excellent in terms of giving me the hands-on skills I needed to understand fish habitat, fish behaviour and ecology. There is a large field component to the program, which was great because we got to get out and look at fish habitat and evaluate urban streams,” says Joe. “The faculty in fisheries and aquaculture instilled a lot of confidence in me. I feel like I left with the skills to do this kind of work. I couldn’t just pick one professor over another, they were always very encouraging and helpful. They did a good job preparing me for this kind of work.”

VIU Blog
VIU students in the tank farm

Upcoming Events (2025)

Award and Scholarship Donor Appreciation Event

  • Where? Golden Eagle Sablefish
  • When? April 2025. More information to come.

Fisheries and Aquaculture Student Graduation Ceremony, Class of 2025

  • Where? TBA

  • When? April 2025. More information to come.

Staff showing off field gear

Do you need field gear?

Good news! You can now borrow outdoor field gear from the VIU Gear Closet in the VIU Library! 

  • Bring your VIU card to the Library Service Desk to check out gear for up to 7 days. Before you return borrowed gear, clean it thoroughly. Return clean gear to the Library Service Desk during open hours.

Read more about this new initiative.


Gear Closet
Students and faculty at the Fish and Aqua awards dinner 2024 in the Gathering Place

Scholarship and award recipients

Congratulations to the 2024-2025 Fish and Aqua Scholarship and Award recipients!

Thank you to everyone that attended the Fisheries and Aquaculture Awards & Scholarship Dinner, which was held on campus at the newly opened Shq'apthut (An Indigenous Gathering Place) building on November 6. Food was provided by Quality Foods. A total of $27,000 was awarded to students this year!

Visit the Awards and Scholarship page for more info (link below)!

Awards and ScholarshipsValueRecipient
1. Dr. Brian Riddell Pacific Salmon Foundation (PSF) Fisheries Award$2000Juno Thummerer
2. Nanaimo Marine Pavilion Scholarship$500Owen Worobec
3. NPA Board Centre for Indigenous Fisheries (CIF) Fisheries & Aquaculture Award for Aboriginal Students$1000Olivia Ballard
4. NPA Board CIF Fisheries & Aquaculture Scholarship$1000Terilyn Ewen-Holdom
5. Island Scallops Fisheries & Aquaculture Scholarship$1000Isabel Vilchis Valdez
6. Island Scallops Fisheries & Aquaculture Scholarship$1000Emily Lohn
7. Fan Seafoods Ltd. Geoduck Endowment Scholarship$500Ty Heroux
8. Eunice Lam Award$1500Dani Weber
9. Eunice Lam Award$1500Jonah Mueller
10. Underwater Harvesters Association Research Society Award$1000Nicole Darlington
11. BC Shellfish Industry Award$1000Jaimie Pollard
12. Fanny Bay Salmonid Enhancement Society Award$1000Thomas Champaigne
13. Nicholas Plecas Aquaculture Award$1500Jaimie Pollard
14. Tom Orr Memorial Award - Sponsored by Pacific Prawns Fisherman's Association (PPFA)$1000Konrad Breier
15. Cermaq Canada Award$1500Tyler Welsh
16. Dr. Daniel M. Ware Memorial Award$1000Emily Palmer
17. Dr. Don Noakes Memorial Award$1000Reid Muise
18. Sandy Miller PSF Fisheries Award$1000Tristan Dieleman
19. MOWI Canada West Scholarship$1500Olivia Ballard
20. Frank Bernard Award in Fisheries$2000Tristan Dieleman
21. Frank Bernard Award in Fisheries$2000Chris Girvan
22. William E. Ricker Memorial Scholarship$2000Marcel DuPlessis
VIU students and professor looking at a microbiology sample

Fish and Aqua in the News!

The past year has been a busy one for Fish and Aqua. Read about the exciting research and student achievement stories below.

Students and instructors sitting on steps in front of a building


Past events are archived here.

2023 to 2017