students and microscopes

STEMantics! at VIU Booking Form

Book Your Field Trip To Vancouver Island University's Nanaimo Campus!

See where STEM can take you!

Only two spring 2025 dates left:

Wednesday June 18 and Wednesday June 25. 


Who can book a STEMantics field trip at VIU?

Our STEM field trip activities are designed for K-12 classes, but work for any youth group. Please see activity descriptions for age ranges.

How much do STEMantics field trips cost?

Most activities cost $125/hour.

How long is each STEMantics activity?

Activities are generally 60 minutes long, some are 1.5 hours. We can  also customize program length to your needs within our space & time limits.

Where are STEMantics activities held on campus?

We book a laboratory or classroom every semester to ensure we have space to host school classes on campus. 

For Spring 2025 this is Building 480, Room 103: a fish lab in the Fisheries and Aquaculture building right at the 'top' of the Nanaimo Campus (see campus map here).

When are STEMantics activities available on campus?

We book a laboratory or classroom every semester to ensure we have space to host school classes on campus.

For Spring 2025 this is 9:30 am to 12:00 pm on Wednesdays.

Remaining spring 2025 dates (updated 31 Jan): February 19, 26; March 12; April 9, 16; May 7; June 18, 25. 

Can more than one STEMantics activity be booked on the same day?

We can only book one activity at a time due to space and staff limitations, but we can do two activities back-to-back when time and space allows.

Can more than one class be booked on the same day?

We can only book one class at a time due to space and staff limitations, but we can host two classes back-to-back when time and space allows.

The name of the teacher booking the field trip. This will be the main person of contact.
Additional Classes

If another class is joining on the same day, please fill out the class information here:

Please note available dates in the FAQs above before selecting dates. For example, in the spring 2025 term we can do Wednesday mornings only. We update remaining dates weekly.
If more than one class is visiting, allow 15 minutes between activities for class transition.
Which Program(s)?
This lab requires algae be tested to obtain data for lab worksheets. Classes have the option to return to the lab to complete their final sample/data collection, or alternatively, our staff can collect this information and send the data to the teacher over e-mail. Both options will be an additional 30 minutes of time, making this program $150 (1.5 hours of instructor time).
Chaperones are an important part of a successful visit to the campus The following student to chaperone ratios are required for participation in our programs. School Program Ratios (Preschool/K 4:1) (Grades 1-5 8:1) (Grades 6+ 12 :1)