Office: Building 480, Room 208
Phone: 250.753.3245 Ext. 2074
- Invertebrate Ecology
- Marine Ecology
- Aquaculture
- PhD Evolution and Systematics, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta (2001)
- MSc Behavioural Ecology Research Group, Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University (1994)
- BSc Biology, Simon Fraser University (1990)
Courses taught
- FISH 322: Marine Ecology
- FISH 207: BC Aquatic Ecosystems for Resource Managers
- FISH 222: Larval rearing and Invertebrate Culture
- FISH 205: Invertebrate Zoology
- FISH 321: Limnology
- FISH 281: Fisheries Field Techniques (Lake Survey)
- FISH 171T/172T: Field Practicum
- FISH 191T/192T: Projects in Fish Husbandry I & II
- FISH 271T/272T: Projects in Fish Husbandry III & IV
Organizations and Affilations
- Systematic Association UK, Crustacean Society, Zoeal Society
- Zaklan, S. D., and C. W. Cunningham (In prep.) The molecular phylogeny and consequences of the transition from hermit crabs to King crabs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Biological Sciences
Zaklan, S.D. 2002. Review of the family lithodidae (Crustacea: Anomura: Paguroidea): distribution, biology, and fisheries. In: Crabs in cold water regions: Biology, Management, and Economics. Alaska Sea Grant College Program. pp. 751-845.
- Zaklan, S. D. 2000. A case of reversed asymmetry in Lithodes maja (Linnaeus, 1758)(Decapoda, Anomura, Lithodidae). Crustaceana 73(8): 1019-1022a
- Klingenberg, C.P. and S.D. Zaklan. 2000. Morphological Integration between Developmental Compartments in the Drosopila Wing. Evolution. 54(4): 1273-1285
- Klingenberg, C.P., G. McIntyre, and S.D. Zaklan. 1998. Left-Right Asymmetry of Fly Wings: Implications for the Evolution of Body Axes. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, Biological Sciences
- Zaklan, S.D. and R.C. ydenberg. 1997. The body-size burial depth relationship in the infaunal clam Mya arenaria. Journal of Experimental Marine Bioloyg and Ecology. 216:1-16
Conference Presentations
- Zaklan, S.D. and C.W. Cunningham. Lowell Wakefield Symposium on Cold Water Crabs. A Molecular view of lithodid relationships. Anchorage Alaska. (2001)
- Zaklan, S.D. and C.W. Cunningham. Systematics Association of the U.K. Morphological systematics of family Lithodidae. London, England (2000)
- Zaklan, S.D. University of Alberta Biological Sciences conference. Evolution of the Lithodidae (2000)
- Zaklan, S.D. and C.W. Cunningham. Systematics Association of the U.K. From Hermit to King- the Evolution of the Lithodidae. Glasgow, Scotland (1999)
- Zaklan, S.D. and C.W. Cunningham. Molecular evolution of the Lithodidae. International Conference for Evolutionary Biologists. Vancouver, BC. (1998)
- Zaklan, S.D. Is deeper better? A behavioural analysis of a soft-shelled clam's (Mya arenaria) burial decisions. Bamfield Marine Sciences Center, BC (1997)
- Zaklan, S.D. and A.R. Palmer. Is fluctuating asymmetry correlated with survival? Experimental manipulations with Drosophila malanogaster. The Western Society of Naturalist meeting, Fort Warden, Washington, USA. (1996)
- Zaklan, S.D. Pacific Ecology Conference, Bamfield BC. Intertidal Predator/prey interactions (1994)