The Earth Science Department at Vancouver Island University, in conjunction with the Geography Department, offers BSc Major in Geoscience, as well as a Minor in Earth Science that can be done as part of a BA or BSc degree. Students who enroll in the Major have the opportunity of satisfying the academic requirements for registration as a Geoscientist-In-Training (GIT) with Engineers and Geoscientists BC (formerly APEGBC)

Five great reasons to study Earth Science at VIU
Tap into a wide range of career opportunities
Major in Geoscience
The Major in Geoscience draws upon the expertise and experience of the instructors within the Earth Science and Geography departments at VIU. Geoscience professionals are in demand in fields that include: environmental protection and monitoring, water resources, resource exploration, mining, forestry, and engineering.
Minor in Earth Science
The Minor in Earth Science compliments a variety of other Majors and Minors to provide a multitude of career pathways which could include work in variety of fields employed with environmental consultants, resource companies, government agencies or education.
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