students and microscopes

Shellfish Biology Lab (Grades 4-12)

Oyster with labelsThis live oyster dissection introduces students to shellfish, shellfish aquaculture and their unique biology. This program begins with an introduction to shellfish and how to identify local species using a dichotomous key. Students are then split into groups to dissect a live oyster. Students will follow along as the instructor guides them through the dissection, locating such features as the gills, stomach and sometimes even a beating heart!

This is a fantastic opportunity to enhance any invertebrate or marine unit and can be customized to focus on topics covered in your own classroom.

**This program can be run at either VIU Nanaimo Campus or Deep Bay Marine Field Station**

  • Grade 7 Science: Organisms have evolved over time; survival needs
  • Grade 8 Science: Relationship of micro-organisms with living things
  • Grade 9 Science: Matter cycles within biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems
  • Grade 11 Biology: Features and structure of living things
  • Grade 12 Environmental Science: Human and other influences on natural systems; leadership, innovation, and action for sustainable systems and communities
students outside viu

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