Coho Fry

Info for Current Students

Hey students!

Find information about scholarships and employment opportunities here, as well as links to current fisheries and aquaculture news and events happening in the Fish & Aqua Department and around campus. Checkout the important deadline reminders (below).

Student in chase river using a plankton tow net

Student Handbook

Do you have questions? Find answers in the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department's Student Handbook.


Staff showing off field gear

Do you need field gear?

Good news! You can now borrow outdoor field gear from the VIU Gear Closet in the VIU Library! Read more about this new initiative.

  • Bring your VIU card to the Library Service Desk to check out gear for up to 7 days. Before you return borrowed gear, clean it thoroughly. Return clean gear to the Library Service Desk during open hours.

Gear Closet

Application for Fisheries and Aquaculture Awards

  • Due to the Financial Aid and Awards office by March 30.
  • See the VIU scholarship, award, and bursary (SAB) pages.

Application to Graduate

  • All students planning to graduate from the diploma programs in April, will have to apply for graduation.
  • The deadline to sign-up for convocation 2025 is February 28.

Professional Memberships

It is advisable to become a member of a few professional associations in your chosen field of fisheries and aquaculture. All have student rates for membership. Consider joining the:

  • Applied Science Technicians and Technologists, BC (ASTTBC)
  • College of Applied Biologists, BC (CAB)
  • Association of Professional Biology, BC (APB)
VIU student and professor at the microscope


VIU students and professor looking at a microbiology sample


Students and technician at the tank farm