- Technologist – Facilities Management
- Hatchery Manager
- Salmonid Stock Assessment
Frank was a graduate of VIU’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Program and was employed here since 1985. His duties included management of the hatchery facilities and field programs, teaching and instructional support for the Fisheries and Aquaculture program, and work on the Vancouver Island University Animal Care Committee. Part of his job was to obtain private and government funding or grants to operate off-campus hatcheries and carry out various research projects with wild fish. He has been certified as an electrofishing instructor.
Frank’s interests include escapement analysis of Pacific salmon stocks, and application of aquaculture and fisheries science to sport fishing. This work is done in partnership with biologists from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Salmon Stock Assessment Division (South Coast and Fraser River Division), Province of BC and Trout Unlimited Canada. He has co-authored a number of publications to date. In addition, Frank and Dr. Chris Foote run a field course on coho salmon stock assessment in the nearby Chase River. Students collect escapement data and produce their own year-end population estimate, in addition to running a hatchery. This is a unique experience for undergraduate students to fully participate in collection of data for the management of a small stream, and day -to-day hatchery operations.
Organizations and Affiliations
- Trout Unlimited Canada (TUC): Member National Resource Board
- Trout Unlimited USA
- Vancouver Island University Animal Care Committee
- Vancouver Island University Science and Technology Safety Committee
- Nanaimo River Salmonid Enhancement Fisheries Committee
- Englishman River Watershed Restoration Plan, Technical Committee
- American Fisheries Society
- Aquaculture Association of Canada (AAC)
- Atlantic Salmon Federation
- BC Wildlife Federation
- Nanaimo Area Land Trust
- Castaways Flyfishers
- BC Federation of Fly Fishers
Selected Publications
Dalziel, F. 2006. Fishing the Northern Flats. In Island Fly Fisherman: Vancouver Island. Edited by Robert H. Jones and Larry E. Stefanyk. Harbour Publishing Co. Ltd., Madeira Park, British Columbia. pp. 69 – 84.
Dalziel, F. 2006. Region 1, Vancouver Island, Fly Patterns tied by Frank Dalziel. In Contemporary Fly Patterns of British Columbia. Edited by Art Lingren. Frank Amato Publications Inc., Portland, Oregon. pp. 10 – 12.
Dalziel, F. 2006. Assorted Fly Patterns contributed to, A Compendium of Canadian Fly Patterns. Edited by Robert H. Jones and Paul C. Marriner. Gale’s End Press, Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.
Dalziel, F. 2006. The Distribution, Growth and Survival of Hatchery Reared vs. Wild Coastal Cutthroat Trout in Tidal Waters. In Outdoor Canada. Vol. 34, Issue 5. Article appeared in “Currents”, Bulletin of Trout Unlimited Canada, Vol. 12, No. 3. Summer Issue 2006. pp. 1-2.
Dalziel, F. 2005. Fly of the Month: Larry’s Fly. In Island Fisherman Magazine. Vol. 5, No.6. August 2005. p. 45
Dalziel, F. 2004. Coho Beach Fishing: From the Bottom Up: Part Two. In Island Fisherman Magazine. Vol. 4, No. 7: September 2004. pp. 40 – 43.
Dalziel, F. 2004. Coho Beach Fishing: From the Bottom Up: Part One. In Island Fisherman Magazine. Vol. 4, No. 6: August 2004. pp. 40-43.
Pennell, W., Lane, E.D., and Dalziel, F. 2001. Open Systems: The Culture of Fish for Release into Natural Systems. In Fish Hatchery Management, Second Edition. Edited by G.A. Wedemeyer. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. pp. 187 – 239.
Trout Unlimited Canada and Trout Unlimited. 1999. Resolving the Pacific Salmon Treaty Stalemate. Dalziel one of eight international authors/editors). Accessed January 18, 2007.
Bailey, R.E., Irvine J.R., Dalziel, F. C., and Nelson, T.C. 1998. Evaluations of visual implant fluorescent tags for marking coho salmon smolts. N. Am. J. Fish. Mgt. 18:191-196
Schwartz, C.J., R.E. Bailey, J.R. Irvine, and F.C. Dalziel. 1993. Estimating salmon spawning escapement using capture-recapture methods. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 50:1181 - 1197
Schwarz, C.J., Bailey, R.E., Irvine, J.R., and Dalziel, F.C. 1993. Estimating salmon escapement using capture-recapture methods. In Proceedings of the Coho Workshop. Edited by L. Berg and P.W. Delaney. Nanaimo, BC, May 26 - 28, 1992 Pages 70 - 83
Irvine, J.R., Bailey, R.E., Imhof, D., Dalziel, F.C., Pennell, W., and Chestnut, C. 1994. Coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) spawning enumeration and related studies at Chase River and Beck Creek, Vancouver Island. Can. Manuscr. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 22264: 31p.
McDonald, T.E., Lane, E.D., Dalziel, F., Swiatkiewicz, V.J., and Margolis, L. 1989. Recoveries in 1985 and 1986 and releases in 1986 of tagged Fraser River white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, together with data on the number of dorsal scutes and number of Cystoopsis acipenseris (Nematoda) present on some of the fish caught in 1986. Can. Data. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 742: 33p.
McDonald, T.E., Swiatkiewicz, V.J., Lane, E.D., Dalziel, F. and Margolis, L. 1987. Release and recovery data for tagged Fraser River white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in 1985. Can. Data. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 639:27p.
Hoskins, G.E. and Dalziel, F.C. 1984. Survival of chinook fry (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) following exposure to benzalkonium chloride in soft water. Progressive Fish Culturist 46: 98 - 101