Office: Building 480, Room 113
Phone: 250.753.3245 Ext. 2895
Fax: 250.740.6482
Email: Susan.Sanders@viu.ca
- Anatomy and physiology
- Animal physiology
- Pathophysiology and pharmacology
- Veterinary medicine
- Animal welfare
- BSc Simon Fraser University (1989)
- D.V.M. Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan (1993)
- PhD. Simon Fraser University (2005)
Professional background
- Instructor, Vancouver Island University (since Jan. 2005)
- Animal Care Committee Veterinarian (since Oct. 2007 at VIU, 1997-2001 at Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre)
- Consulting Veterinarian, Amgen British Columbia Inc. (since Oct. 2001)
- Housecall Veterinarian, Sanders Veterinary Services (since 1997)
- Director of Animal Care, Simon Fraser University, BC (2000 – 2002)
- Veterinarian, Cats Only Clinic, Vancouver, BC (1994-1997)
- Veterinarian, Fraser Heights Animal Hospital, Surrey, BC (1993-1994)
Courses taught
- BIOL 067 – Biology 12-Provincial
- BIOL 152 - Labs in Anatomy and Physiology for Health Professionals I
- BIOL 154 – Labs in Anatomy & Physiology for Health Professionals II
- BIOL 156 – Nursing: Anatomy and Physiology I
- BIOL 157 – Nursing: Anatomy and Physiology II
- BIOL 305 – Animal Physiology (lab)
- DENH 157 – Head and Neck Anatomy
- DENH 255 – Dental Sciences II
Supervised students
- Stephen Kirkpatrick. 2007-8. Qualitative analysis of primary contact recreational water supply quality using membrane filtration and aquatic disinfectants susceptibility tests.
Membership, Certification
- Canadian Veterinary Medical Association
- British Columbia Veterinary Medical Association
- Canadian Association of Laboratory Animal Medicine
- Canadian Association of Laboratory Animal Science
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- The Health Educators’ Group
- WHMIS Certification, First-Aid WCB Level I
- Active Open Water Diver, Marine Radio Operator’s License
- GM Kruzynski, AP Farrell, KB Tierney, SM Sanders and IK Birtwell. 2004. Gill morphometry and hematology of juvenile chinook salmon chronically exposed to treated (elemental chlorine-free) bleached kraft pulp mill effluent at low temperature to simulate winter exposure. Can J Zoo 82 (8): 1187-1193
- RC Ganassin, SM Sanders, CJ Kennedy, EM Joyce and NC Bols. 1999. Development and characterization of a cell line from Pacific Herring, Clupea harengus pallasi, sensitive to both naphthalene cytotoxicity and infection by viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus. Cell Biology and Toxicology 15 (5): 299-309
- AM Remedios, S Sanders, and C Wheler. 1996. Microvascular reconstruction of a facial defect in a red-necked wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus). J Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 27: 115
Technical Reports
- SM Sanders, AP Farrell, RM Kocan and CJ Kennedy. 1996. Investigations of the effects of environmental contamination and pathogens on immunological and hematological parameters in Pacific herring and rainbow trout. In Contaminant Effects on Fish, Symposium Proceedings, International Congress on the Biology of Fishes, San Francisco State University, July 14-18: 53-58
Scientific Presentations
- University of California, Davis, Bodega Marine Laboratory. Nov 1999.
- Pacific Ecology Conference, Parksville, Feb 1999
- Fish Disease Workshop, Parksville, June 1998
- DFO & MAFF Workshop, Nanaimo, Feb 1998
- SETAC 18th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Nov 1997
- Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, Anchorage, Alaska, January 1997 (Poster presented by Dr. CJ Kennedy)
- International Congress on the Biology of Fishes. July 1996 (Poster presented by Dr AP Farrell)
- Sustainable Fisheries Conference, Victoria, April 1996
- Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, Anchorage, Alaska, January 1996 (Poster presented by Dr. CJ Kennedy)